Considerations of
Dipl.Math.Ulrich Meyer , St.Goar, Feb. 2001
This is a translation from German language and therefore it may be not
The present Pope Johannes Paul II. forbids
women preventing with the contraceptive pills. As the reality shows,
the most women do not
follow him.
Fortunately - we can only say there.
If the majority of the women would follow him, a
disastrous over-population would be the consequence. The earth has
only a limited place, i.e. starting from a certain number of
peoples on earth a survival fight for meals and place to life begins.
The consequence would be war, murder and death blow. A
cruel scenario.
How is this attitude of the Pope to be explained?
I do not know it.
With the discussion over abortion one can have a divided opinion whether at all or when? This is a completey different thing. Abortion concerns itself with the status after the fertilization of a female egg cell, i.e. the by fusion of a female and male genetic code developed new human code, which has become an embryo, will be killed. During prevention by hormonale contraception ( with the contraceptive pill ) the ovulation is prevented or the fertilization cannot happen, because by the thickness of the mucos in the uterus. In some few cases with a very small probility an egg can get fertilized in the fallopian tube. But by the Hormon tablets the skin of the uterus has changed and then the egg cannot settle in this skin to grow up (No Nidation). In all cases there will be no pregnancy because of the pill.
We consider now the medical-technical progress of mankind. By the medical and pharmaceutical developments the life expectancy of people rose enormously and the birth mortality has sunk. The consequence of this is a rise of the number of living people. Why we shall not use this medical progress also for the prevention of the arising of new life?
The Pope took the medical achievements up after the assassination attempts on him, in order to keep his life. And he takes up the medical help with increasing age more and more. He uses the medicine for his life prolongation and does not want that this medicine prevents the over-population of mankind. This is a attitude to which no one can agree logically.
The reality shows fortunately
or??? there
comes a inspiration of a still higher place :
The survival instinct
people, who developed from the evolution
and advanced this, teaches mankind better live without these
destructive life
behaviors of the Pope.
On a long life with much health.
And also a Pope is only a human and humans may be wrong.
to the world population. Click
October 2006