Pope Benedict XVI. - The beginning of the end of Catholicism?

Considerations of  Diploma Mathematician Ulrich Meyer , St.Goar, June 2007                                               Homepage Ulrich Meyer in deutsch

This is a translation from German language and therefore it may be not perfect.

  After the election of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to the new Pope Benedict XVI., many had the fear, the hard style of Ratzinger as the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith would continued by him as a pope. But in the first year of his papacy, he was quite sociable. But slowly this changed and we hear harder words from him. On his last trip to Brazil in May 2007 he then showed again his true face from earlier times. So he threatened the South and Central American politicians with excommunication if they will vote for the legalization of abortion. Pope Benedict travelled to Brazil for promotion for the Catholic Church. To the result of this advertisement here an example: At the end of his first oversea trip Pope Benedict celebrated in the Sanctuary of Aparecida a fair. There were expected a million or at least 500,000 visitors. Actually there came after reports in the media only 200,000 to 250,000 people. Since some time the Catholic Church is losing a lot of people to Protestant churches and free sects. In Brazil, at the first visit of Pope John Paul II in 1980, 90 percent of the population were Catholics, 2000, there were still 75 percent and today 2007 there are only 65 percent Catholics.
  And how Pope Benedict XVI. advertises for the Catholic Church? He criticized the "Hedoismsm (pursuit of pleasure and enjoyment sense) of our time". He urged especially from young people chastity and sexual abstinence before marriage. After his words the principle of sexual abstinence shall be true also for the duration of love and engagement. The marital togetherness should reserved only for married couples with the aim to get children. But this thinking is very difficult for the most people, because of this reasons:
  Adult people are the whole year sexual accessible (apart from the cycle days of women), i. e. for sexual activities people have not specially rutting seasons as animals, which come once (monöstrisch) or several times (polyöstrisch) a year. And now after the thinking of the Catholic Church people shall suppress their sexual feeling nearly permanently. That this is very difficult for the people, shows the reality. Also science and medicine has recognized a full sex life gives the people more satisfaction, less aggressiveness and promotes the health. In other words: lived out sexuality makes humans happier. Sexuality is also an integrated part of the evolution process, the origin and development of life on the earth until today. In the game of the evolution stronger lifes win against weaker. So the humans were by their mental abilities in front of all living forms on the earth. And the full year sexual activities helps to this. But if the growth of the number of people would continue uncontrolled (See Statistical Facts about the world ), we would come to a disaster, to the total over population of the world. Since every people needs room for his living and by the increasing number of people this room will get smaller more and more, which will end in a struggle for survival. And the weakest will lose. Because the sexual abstinence, which the Catholic Church requires, don't work, there remains as a solution a strict family planning with the help of modern medical progress, i.e. with the contraceptive pill. But this the Catholic Church don't allow. The result we can see.


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Oktober 2008