Considerations of
Dipl. Math.
Ulrich Meyer
, St.Goar, Feb. 2001
This is a translation from German language and therefore it may be not
The consciousness of humans is stamped in the course of his life mainly by the five senses - seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting (Note [1]) - (see Who is God ? 1. ). Thereby develops itself a certain egoism by which the person is affected in his thinking way mainly by these feelings. Besides, our world is very more various. If we see a colored picture or photo, we mean, that is the true reality. Our optic nerves reacts only to the visible light in the wavelength from 380 to 800 nm. Some insects have eyes, for which UV-rays (ultraviolet light < 380 Nm) are visible. They see therefore another picture of the world than we. With so-called warmth picture-cameras we can make infrared photographies, which shows quite different reality, namely a warmth image.
We summarize again. In the course of the
evolution our senses developed. Therefore,
they are aimed on our life and survival on the earth's surface. By the
development of our understandings people created instruments (e.g.,
telescopes and microscopes) with which they can look outside of the
horizon of their senses. About our "old" senses these dates found the
way in our brain. Then a scientifically trained human can create from
these a picture with the help of physics and mathematics. Phenomena as
timedilatation (time stretch), length contraction, curved space and
black holes become reality and can also be felt so. This intellectual
advancement is such a new mental eye.
Notes :
[1] : Today still other senses are assigned to persons,
as for example sense of balance, space sense and time sense. We
remain here with old known five senses.
September 2004